
No amount of good work can make a flawed plan successful. Make business critical decisions guided by expert knowledge.
Get the right answers on how and when to deploy employees to India, hiring and compensating personnel, setting up a business presence, running payroll in India and other regulatory advice.

Get it right – unexpected compliance in familiar jurisdictions, expected ones in unfamiliar jurisdictions.
Delayed compliance adds costs to your operations, non-compliance impacts the ability of your organization to continue business operations. We can help you estimate the tax and social security cost impact to your personnel, ensure multi-jurisdiction employer and employee regulatory compliance – work permits, registrations, shadow payroll, tax return filing.

The outcome of a battle is often decided in the war room and preparing for war is a good guarantee for peace.
We can help you avoid the fight altogether – mock audits to gauge and correct compliance, and where required liaise with regulators on audits.